Public Transport Mapping Course Now Available in English!

Trufi and Mobility Hub are thrilled to announce the launch of the English language version of our Public Transport Mapping Course!

Originally launched in Spanish, this course has been a tremendous success in equipping people with the skills to become expert public transport mappers on OpenStreetMap.

Dar es Salaam’s bus transit system
Bus Transit System, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Photo Credit: World Bank (CC BY-NC-ND)

This course is a collaboration effort by Trufi Association and Mobility Hub, aimed at making public transport mapping more accessible and impactful.

With the English version now available, we begin to empower a broader audience of aspiring mappers and transportation enthusiasts to enhance their skills and actively contribute to the possibilities created when transport networks are digitized by people with local knowledge.

2 thoughts on “Public Transport Mapping Course Now Available in English!

  1. Pingback: 现已提供英文版的公共交通映射课程- Trufi协会。 - 偏执的码农

  2. Pingback: The Year in Trufi: 2023 - Trufi Association

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